#ShisyopanayanaSamskara a program for induction of undergraduate students of 2024-25 batch was held today. The program was initiated by seeking the blessings of lord Dhanwantari by performing #DhanwantariHoma which was followed by oath-taking ceremony. The inaugural function was presided over by Dr. K. B. Dhannur, Secretary RGES Ron. Dr. I. B. Kotturshetti, Principal and CMO RGESAMC administered the oath to the freshers which was requited by students en masse. Chief guest Dr. U. V. Purad Director Spoorti Ayurveda college Gangavati in his address recalled the hardships and success stories in his 30 years of clinical experience. He emphasised on need for moral values and ethics for medical practitioners. Honorary guest Shri. Mithun G.Patil, Director RGESAMC in his speech explained about the importance of adapting discipline and compassion amongst doctors. Dr. P. B. Turabeen Professor, Department of Siddhanta and Samhita presented summary report of the program. Staff members, Undergraduate and Internees were present during the event.